Medigap Policies

A Medicare Supplemental Insurance  is a variety of private incremental health insurance plans sold to Medicare beneficiaries across the United States. This provides coverage for medical expenses partially or fully covered by Medicare. Since there are different individual health insurances being sold, getting the right value for money can only be made by finding the best and leading insurance provider that offers wide variety of benefits for an affordable price. This insurance is also called Medigap plans, which has 12 homogeneous Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans from A to L.

The name Medigap is derived from the concept that it came into existence to fill the gap between the expenses reimbursed by Medicare and the total amount charged. In general, Medigap does not cover services that are already outside the Medicare’s coverage like long term care. As mentioned earlier, medigap policies are comprised of 12 Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, categorized into Plan A to L; Plan A being the least expensive one with the fewest benefit to offer and Plan J being the most expensive with lots to offer. Among the 12, the most popular and widely purchased plans are C and F because they cover major benefits and are less expensive compared to other plans.

Medicare supplement rates vary according to plan. For example, Plan A only offers basic benefit coverage while Plan J covers all basic and other important benefits like Part A Hospital Deductible, Part A Skilled Nursing Home Co- Insurance, Part B deductible, Foreign Travel, At Home Recovery, Part B: Excess Doctor Charges 100%, Preventative Screening, and Outpatient Prescription drugs. Given this, the more a plan goes up, the better it has to offer, and the more expensive it becomes.